The Narriah Project (100% SKY)

The Narriah Project (EL9524) is located approximately 10km south-southeast of Rankin Springs in south west NSW. It is prospective for tin lithium and tungsten with multiple historic mines and workings present in the area.
It covers numerous historic tin and tungsten workings in the greisenised roof of the Erigolia Granite intruding the sediments of the Clements Formation (Figure 4).
Multiple historic mines and workings are present in the area including the Restdown and Erigolia tin mining fields. Historic records state that tin and tungsten were previously mined from both alluvial and hard rock sources.
At the Restdown Prospect and historic mine workings a small alluvial tin resource was delineated, and significant historic workings and limited drilling indicate that the area may be host to a large-scale tin-tungsten mineral system. Historic Channel sampling in the historic workings resulted in 8m @ 0.81% Tin over the width of the historic workings (Figure 5).
SKY completed a maiden drilling program in 2023 (ASX Announcement 24 January 2024). This program successfully intercepted tin and tungsten in all six holes completed.
The drilling program has successfully demonstrated that the Narriah Project is highly prospective for tin and tungsten. However, the most prospective areas for large-scal and high-grade itn and tungsten mineralisation remain untested by both this program adn the previous workings.
All mineralisation tested in this program was hosted within the granite. Historic mining would have targeted these areas as they were protruding from the sand cover, however the most prospective areas for large-scale and high-grade tin and tungsten mineralisation are likely to be on the margins of the 16km long Erigolia Grantie which appears to be mostly undercover.
To better target the exciting potential demonstrated in this program at the Narriah Project, SKY will now complete geophysical surveys, including magnetic and radiometric surveys, to delineate the underlying geology in the area under the alluvial and aeolian sand cover over the project area.
The results of the geophysical surveys will be combined with a thorough compilation of the historic data to target follow up drilling, aiming to discover a large-scale and high-grade tin-tungsten deposit.
