Iron Duke – EL6064 (100% SKY), EL 9191 (100% SKY)

The Iron Duke Project is located 20km south-east of Tottenham in central NSW. The Iron Duke Project covers the Iron Duke Shear Zone which is at least 4km in strike on EL6064 and open to the south, covered by EL9191. Several historic copper mines occur along the Iron Duke Shear Zone including the Iron Duke, Christmas Gift, Monarch, Mount Pleasant and Silver Linings mines, along with several unnamed copper workings and shafts.
High-grade copper-gold mineralisation has been intersected by previous explorers (e.g. 13m @ 1.56% Cu & 4.48g/t Au) and the mines are the site of extensive mining up to the 1950s for copper and gold. Drilling has shown the mineralisation is open down dip and to the south at the Iron Duke Mine and the other mines on the tenement remain undrilled to date.
In 2021, SKY completed a maiden drilling program at the Iron Duke Mine, in conjunction with a VTEM survey and DHEM, to identify extensions to the high-grade copper-gold mineralisation along the Iron Duke Shear Zone, identify extension to the mineralisation along a southwest striking, moderately plunging shoot.
An RC and diamond drilling program is planned to test for further extensions to the Iron Duke mine and test the previously undrilled historic mines at the Christmas Gift Workings (comprising of the Christmas Gift, Monarch, Mount Pleasant and Silver Linings mines) where high-grade rock chips up to 26.1% copper were collected in 2021.